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Why you should install an alarm
Tolis Stores / Useful Articles / Why you should install an alarm


Why you should install an alarm

in your house or your business



Nowdays, where criminality is in a great upsurge, the need to protect our family and property from aspiring thieves, is strongly justified. Today's alarm systems, are constantly evolving and give us the possibility to know immediately every attempt of invasion , even the smallest one.

Valid studies have shown that the existence of an alarm system in a house or a business acts detterently for potential burglars, discouraging them of attempting an invasion to a space which is protected by a security system.

Even if we do not use our property for our occupation but we sale or rent it, the existence of an alarm system is considered an advantage for the tenant or the buyer of the property.

Also, an alarm system can also communicate with a security company, who will monitor your system 24 hours a day in co-operation with the police, whoser security staff will be ready to intervene immediately when it's necessary.

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