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Access Control for businesses
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Access Control for Businesses

Access Control Systems constist a vital part of security today, as they are widely used in business premises, where a large amount of people need to have access while at the same time the possibility of any illegal entry needs to be eliminated.

An Access Control system consists of an access control panel, a card reader and a card or tag which is the identification subject.


How does an Access Control system work?

When a credential, for example a card, is presented to a reader, the reader sends the credential’s information, usually a number, to a control panel, a highly reliable processor. The control panel compares the credential's number to an access control list, grants or denies the presented request, and sends a transaction log to a database. When access is denied based on the access control list, the door remains locked. If there is a match between the credential and the access control list, the control panel operates a relay that in turn unlocks the door. The control panel also ignores a door open signal to prevent an alarm.


Control Panel CARDAX N32C
Control Panel CARDAX N32C Access Control
342 €
Card Reader RF13-E
Card Reader RF13-E with Wiegand protocol
30 €
Access Control Card
Access Control Card EB-01B 125 KHz
2.5 €
Expansion Module Access Control N32R
Expansion Module Access Control N32R
170 €
Access Control Tag
Access Control Tag EB-03-3 125 KHz
2 €


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