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Technical Support
Tolis Stores / Technical Support

Technical Support

right when you need it!!!


            tolis stores  

TolisStores company in Thessaloniki takes over entirely the instalations of safety systems, satellite and terrestrial systems and also any future maintenace. The specialized and highly trained technical staff of the company is always at your disposal, ready to provide you with a thorough technical service.

We come to your place directly, with our fully equipped professional vehicles. For any new installation or damage to your exististing system, call us at +30 2310 444 574 and we visit you instantly, and fix your problem quickly and efficiently.


We take over installations and services of: 


  • Security systems                                                                                   service


  • Automatic systems


  • Satellite systems


  • Terrestrial systems


  • Networks / Structured cabling 


  • Hotspot                                               

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