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HDMI Splitters
Tolis Stores / Products / HDMI Splitters

HDMI Splitters


An HDMI Splitter allows compressed and uncompressed data transfer between a source and a device, where we can have image and sound, such as a television, a digital stereo unit, etc. HDMI is used instead of analogue data and more often for HDTVs, cameras and video recorders. There are HDMI splitters that can be used on computers, Blu-Rays and DVD players, tablets and phones.

At TolisStores in Thessaloniki you will find HDMI splitters with 2, 4 and 8 outputs at amazing prices! 




HDMI Active Splitter
HDMI Active Splitter 2 Way,3D
20 €
HDMI Splitter 4 Way
HDMI Active Splitter 4 Way,3D
25 €
marmitek hdmi splitter 8
HDMI SPLITTER 8 output Marmitek 3D
45 €

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