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Tolis Stores / Products / Satellite Systems / Amplifiers

Amplifiers for antennas Televes


Amplifier is an electrical or electronic device that amplifies the electrical signal. A typical amplifier has four entrances, one regular output and one grounded output. The first two inputs form a voltage to the amplifier so that the voltage coming out is equal to the potential difference on the rate of aid under ideal conditions. The other two inputs enter into the amplifier two theoretically symmetirical, voltage based on which the amplifies works. When the voltage is increased, the additional voltage is supplied to the amplifier by the second pair of outputs because the amplifies can not exceed these voltages, which are called power supply. The ideal amplifier boosts the voltage linearly up to two symmetrical points, one in the positive and the symmetrical one in the negative.

At TolisStores in Thessaloniki you will find a comprehensive variety of amplifiers for antennas at the best prices.



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