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Tolis Stores / Products / Satellite Systems / Multiswitches






A multiswitch is a device used with a quattro LNB to distribute satellite TV signals to multiple (usually more than four) receivers from a single dish and LNB. So for larger installations a quattro LNB is used in conjunction with a multiswitch. Some multiswitches can also mix in terrestrial TV and FM radio signals which can then be split out again by a special faceplate (known as a triplexer). Multiswitches are commonly installed on or in blocks of flats in the UK to allow all the residents to receive satellite TV without having to have a separate dish for every resident.


Depending on the type of each installation and use different kind of multiswitch. Key Criteria to choose the correct multiswitch  is:

  • The number of satellite positions
  • The number of decoders / subscribers
  • The design of coaxial cabling

* Required part for installation of multiswitch is the Lnb QL Quattro



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