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Motion curtain detectors
Tolis Stores / Products / Alarm Systems / Motion curtain detectors

Motion curtain detectors

εφαρμογές ανιχνευτών κουρτίνας


The motion detectors type curtain   are ideal for perimeter coverage of your home, as they create an invisible safety net of several meters around your home (depending on the scope that has each detector) and detect any human movement attending the day within the protected region.

A very important advantage of providing us with the probe needles is the fact that every aspiring effort invasion prevented early as informed about the intrusion attempt as the would-be robber is still out of the house. Unlike alarm systems, which do not include perimeter protection and that because the motion detectors are located inside the house, informed about the invasion when the perpetrator is in the house.





Motion Detector Sirsen Outgate
The new compact curtain motion detectordesign Dual Detection Technology range 8 meters
66 €
Motion detector PATROL 101
Motion detector cyrtain outdoor radar PIR & MW - PATROL 101 with range 15 meters
138 €

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