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Magnetic Contacts
Tolis Stores / Products / Alarm Systems / Magnetic Contacts

Magnetic Contacts


One of the key components of an alarm system are magnetic contacts. The magnetic contacts are placed in all possible access points of a space such as doors, patio doors, windows.

In the central panel of the alarm system there is a set of wires (for a wired alarm), which pass through any opening in our sector. For every opening there is a motion detector or a magnetic contact alerts the control panel when it opens or closes .

Thus the magnetic contacts insure doors and windows. When the alarm system is armed , and a door or window in which we place the magnetic contact opens then a signal is sent to the central system , which emits audible alarm . So when we arm the alarm , our signal emitted by a magnetic contact will trigger , while not sufficient to close the back door or window to stop.

For reasons of taste , magnetic contacts placed on trade in different shades, so be color coordinated with the color of the frames.



Wireless Magnetic Contact MC-10
Wireless Magnetic Contact MC-10 Callisto CPX220NWB
43 €
3.5 €

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